The Finest Ethically Sourced Premium Headstones
Celebrating Life

Disclaimer note: The headstone images are original headstones designed and created memorials by LifeStone or are examples of memorials commonly found in New Zealand cemeteries. They are examples of the headstones we can create to help you honour a loved one who has departed this world.
Under $5k range
Click below for a full catalogue of memorial specials all under $5k
Classic and Custom Exemplar Catalogue 2024
NZ’s only council approved, artist designed,
100% Kiwi Crafted Headstones

XL Saddle headstone. Verdure Green.
100% Kiwi Made. 3 times the industry norm.
900mm x 900mm max size for headstones in most NZ Cemeteries.

100% Kiwi made Headstone 3 times the industry standard.
Serene white 900mm x 900mm

100% Kiwi Made headstone.
Pou Whanau blends planted and stone Koru’s representing the eternal life giver of Papatuanuku and of life itself.

The Va is a 100% Kiwi made headstone, architect designed, and outstanding in any environment.

100% Kiwi made headstone. Each a one off, mapping the topographical area of importance to the top of a NZ crafted headstone.

The planter range of NZ Crafted Grave Life-Markers
From NZD $1,920*

100% Hand Carved Aotearoa, New Zealand Native Stone Headstones
Takaka Marble, Native Basalt, Coromandel Granite, Timaru Bluestone and many more native examples of how we can honour our own from our own land rather than settling for imported Chinese and Indian Granite and Marble.
In direct temple headstone price comparison with several prominent headstone retailers in Auckland we are often $1000’s cheaper for the exact same headstone design, our quality is better and we also offer Life-Legacy technology free in our Temple packages so you can tell their full story.
As a Maori Pasifika-owned and operated social enterprise we take it personally our responsibility to protect Aiga, Whanau from being treated as the “Cash-Cows” of traditional headstone retailers who inflate pricing on Maori and Pasifika-based headstones!

Imported Headstones and uniformity as far as the eye can see within New Zealand Cemetery’s. Finally with LifeStone the option to do different, to chose local is here.
Sadly for the past 40 years less than 1 in 90 headstones placed in our Cemeteries and Urupa have been of our own land.
More than 97% of headstones and memorials are made of imported granite and marble mostly from India and China, each one with an enormous carbon footprint imposing a huge environmental cost on our planet. We are literally killing our planet to honour our departed loved ones, we believe it is time for options, it is time for change and to start changing our norm as New Zealanders, as children of the Pacific.
Many people in our communities concerned with our planet and its future have asked for an option other than foreign granite and marble that has become our norm. After many years in development we have crafted the solution for you.
We can even personalise the stone composition itself to represent the land that your loved one belonged to. For example if your loved one is from the Pacific Islands we can use sands from their beaches or stone and earth from their home-land to ensure that wherever they are laid to rest, home is always with them.
Above are just a few examples of Memorials designed for customers. Contact us today to discuss your vision.