Our driver is to craft the world we want to leave for our children
Protecting Children
In many regions where Granite and Marble is sourced, the persistence of child labour goes unchecked. Where ethical lens of NZ enterprise forgets these silent faces in quarries and only applies standards we can accept once the stone is in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The average life expectancy of children in granite, marble and other natural stone quarries across India is only 35. If these beautiful children do not die in the quarries and mines themselves, they die of silicosis related illness.
The Mamae (Maori term for deep hurt) of a child transcends into the stone, we cannot allow children to be harmed or killed to honour our deparated.
Our efforts do not focus in supply chain and international practice, we also do what we can to help address issues of child poverty in New Zealand and across the Pacific.
Protecting Papatuanuku
The Tikanga of our indigenous is a way of beauty where we prioritise the holistic wellbeing of people, and that this wellbeing cannot be achieved without equal focus on the maintaining the wellbeing of our earth mother and her life giving and supporting abilities. Often referred to as Manaakitanga the care of the holistic wellbeing of people. And Kaitiakitanga the care or stewardship of our land that we leave to the next generations more than what have been given by those before and with us.
For every LifeStone 100% Kiwi Crafted headstone or memorial that we serve our families through, over 500kg of carbon is saved from being imposed on our planet through freight alone.
Prosperity and Equity
Our business and life ethos is intertwined as children of the Pacific. It was taught to us by our nannies, and to them by their nannies. That to go forward as a Whanau, a family, we must do all we can to take all of our village forward with us.
We create eco-systems to rebalance opportunity to build strength in communities underinvested in across generations to awaken sleeping capabilities and apply capacity into earning environments.
We train, we educate in action, we mentor, we provide pastoral care, we invest, we procure and then we get out of the way.
Our goal is to create sustainable living wage employment, or businesses that can sustain a family, a Marae, a Church, a group, a community across generations.